Insights Blog

How Metrics & Actions Can Improve Provider Outcomes

Written by BH
  • Brian Heacox

“With full visibility into the health drivers for each individual, physicians and plans can collaborate to deliver services, which will help improve patient outcomes.”


If physicians only have control over their patients’ medical care and the hospital environment, then they are limited in how far they can go in determining the overall health outcomes for those patients. According to a report by GoInvo, who reviewed studies from the World Health Organization & Kaiser Family Foundation, medical care and the medical environment make up less than 20 percent of the overall influence on patient health.

In this recent op ed published with Health IT Outcomes magazine, we discuss the ways in which health plans can gather more comprehensive information on a patient’s social circumstances and individual behavior, then share that information with physicians in order to give them a more complete picture of each individual patient. With full visibility into the health drivers for each individual, physicians and plans can collaborate to deliver services, which will help improve patient outcomes.

To learn more about the ways in which health plans can collaborate with physicians, read the full article Health IT Outcomes here. And to learn more about how Decision Point Healthcare Solutions is helping health plans become more effective at managing their members’ health, take a look at our recent coverage, or request a demo today.

Download the GoInvo Determinants of Health Poster here.